Silk Road forums

Market => Product offers => Topic started by: Dbat336 on December 12, 2011, 05:20 pm

Title: Heroin
Post by: Dbat336 on December 12, 2011, 05:20 pm
I have yet to find customers on here, im not sure why i figured thered be a huge demand for it. I can get as little as a gram, and as much as you could possibly want. I charge $240 a gram, if you buy an ounce or more it drops to $180 a gram.

Hell if you live in the VA/MD/DC area you could come do the deal in person, if u live elsewhere we can do it the normal shipping way. Although if anything was to happen in person we would have to get to know each other very well first and precautions would have to be taken.

A little info about the heroin im offering, its east coast brown powder, straight in threw the baltimore harbor. Very strong, much stronger than any tar, and stronger than the local white powder. If your interested pm me on here.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: mambosun on December 12, 2011, 05:30 pm
Alright Deputy Dbat.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: atlas on December 12, 2011, 05:36 pm
Yeah  let me just give you my name, address, facebook profile and security number so you can get to know me a bit better.

Uhh almost forgot..

How about I front you the cash to get me the stuff too   8) ::)
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: rowdyrasta on December 12, 2011, 05:41 pm
I have yet to find customers on here, im not sure why i figured thered be a huge demand for it. I can get as little as a gram, and as much as you could possibly want. I charge $240 a gram, if you buy an ounce or more it drops to $180 a gram.

Hell if you live in the VA/MD/DC area you could come do the deal in person, if u live elsewhere we can do it the normal shipping way. Although if anything was to happen in person we would have to get to know each other very well first and precautions would have to be taken.

A little info about the heroin im offering, its east coast brown powder, straight in threw the baltimore harbor. Very strong, much stronger than any tar, and stronger than the local white powder. If your interested pm me on here.

ive bought dope in balt. and its alot less than 240 a gram.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: Dbat336 on December 12, 2011, 05:56 pm
oh i get it HOW ORIGINAL!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I GET IT! HE CALLED ME A COP! HAHAHAHAH thats hilarious. On what basis am i cop? cuz i offered to do a deal in PERSON!!!! OMG NO HE DIDNT!!!!! thats what the po-po do!!!! actually thats bullshit. The rason i offered to do anything in person was for this exact reason, cuz everyone on here is so paranoid about getting scammed 10 cents that they dont wanna do things by ordering. So i said what the hell ill take the risk and do it in person if i can talk to the person for a while and be proven they arent a cop. I can easily prove im not a cop, i have a criminal record in maryland, virginia, and west virginia... ive been to jail 6 times, and have served 6 months... all of this can be found on google if you were to find out my real name. Hell i dont even mind giving my real name after ive talked to the person a while so that i can prove to them im legit.

Anyways if your interested in doing it threw mail and anonymous thats totally fine too. However if your one of those people thats way to scared to send money and think u wont get shit back and happen to live in this area, then you can pm me or something and we can talk. Hopefully the smart people here, not the paranoid tweakers can understand why im offering this, and that im NOT a cop.

Ill say this though, if i was a cop i definatly wouldnt offer to ship drugs out, im sure theyd say something like ohh im sorry i cant send it but u can come get it here if u want, and theyd say they cant do gram amounts they can only do kilos or something... but anyways, those dumbasses that dont wanna use there brain, keep callin me a cop, doesnt hurt me. I just hope that potential customers who dont have a source for this will not be deterred by stupid remarks that are absolutely untrue.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: Dbat336 on December 12, 2011, 05:57 pm
actually if there is an Administrator on this site i can PM him proof that im not LEO... so if theres an admin that would like me to do that, just let me know
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: atlas on December 12, 2011, 06:22 pm
You're funny dude, I like you already ^^

Well actually you talked about the cop part but forgot the scammer part.
And a lot of scamming has been happening on SR lately so new members are not trusted until proven otherwise.

You should set up a shop, send a few samples to established members of the community, THEN when you reputation gets better you can start expanding your business.

and trust me no one in his right mind is ever gonna do any f2f deal with you but LE..

Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: mambosun on December 12, 2011, 06:31 pm
There's already quite a few vendors on SR with an established reputation and better prices, probably higher quality dope, too.  Shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out why you're not getting any sales.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: Poranora on December 12, 2011, 06:34 pm
I think he did actually send out samples a few days ago. We'll see if they work out. He should really stick to that. :)
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: nomad bloodbath on December 14, 2011, 09:43 pm
Yeah doing drugs sales from the internet in person is not a good idea, but I'm sure if you could handle a few samples sent out to senior members of the community you would get sales very quickly.

Let's stop calling everyone a cop every 5 minutes guys, ok?

nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: thecloser29 on December 15, 2011, 05:39 am
I believe you stated the reason for your lack of business in your first paragraph. Something to do with $240 MB

I understand wanting to make money for the risk and that the buyers for the convenience and possible lack of sources, but almost 300% markup is a little insane.

I live in the same area and get the same product for $80/g and sell it for $120,there are also a number of other very reputable vendors with amazing product for less as well.

If you drop the price a little $80 you'll have plenty of business if the quality is there.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: ketaaa on December 15, 2011, 08:47 am
If you want to do business here , down your price cause 240$ for a "cut-stuff" is just unbelievable !
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: GORDENRAMSEY on December 15, 2011, 03:41 pm
I can easily prove im not a cop, i have a criminal record in maryland, virginia, and west virginia... ive been to jail 6 times, and have served 6 months...

time to find a new profession
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: Aoth14 on December 16, 2011, 03:42 am
There is a big demand for it. But if I can't make a buck.. if its went through too many hands.. why bother? I don't think H is big amongst SR insiders is all... I'd love to have some,but would rather spend the $ on my DOC.

Other issue is quality.. no one knows... and no one sends samples, so its like a Silk Road standoff between H sellers and potential H buyers..

that's just my opinion and personal viewpoint.
Title: Re: Heroin
Post by: Asbury on December 16, 2011, 06:31 pm
I can easily prove im not a cop, i have a criminal record in maryland, virginia, and west virginia... ive been to jail 6 times, and have served 6 months...

time to find a new profession

Lol yeah. i read that and i was like...that isn't a good thing.